
What Exotic Animals Can You Own In Canada

When most Canadians recall about taking on the responsibleness of owning a pet, getting a dog, true cat, budgie, goldfish, hamster, or lizard typically comes to mind.

Yet, in that location are a wide range of rarer and more unique animals that fall off the beaten path when it comes to pet buying. Below is an overview of 10 exotic animals that tin be legally owned equally pets in Canada and links to rules for each province at the lesser.

Note: While information technology should become without saying, just because it'southward legal (or rather, not illegal) to own an exotic pet, doesn't mean its a skillful idea for you and the creature. Pets require you to commit time, energy and coin to their wellness, well-being and the safety of both them and other people. For more than, see are you set to go an exotic pet?

ane. Potbellied pigs

  • Average Lifespan: 12 to 18 years
  • Average Tiptop/Weight: 38 to 42 cm, 35 to lx lbs
  • All-time Aspect: Intelligent and trainable
  • Biggest Downside: May exist destructive when bored

These adorable little guys (and gals) are quickly becoming the norm as a common household pet, thanks to their intelligence, and the fact that they can exist trained to perform a variety tricks, just like a domestic dog. It'due south important to note, as cute and sweet every bit potbellied pigs are, they exercise crave a lot of food, plenty of do, and can get subversive when they get bored (and this can happen pretty easily).

ii. Capybara

  • Average Lifespan: 8 to 10 years
  • Average Height/Weight: 50 to 62 cm, 75 to 150 lb
  • Best Attribute: Very social
  • Biggest Downside: Need a lot of attention

Looking for a larger-than-life furry friend? Capybaras are basically over-sized hamsters! Stemming from South America, they tin can grow up to be as large as 170 pounds, larger than a mid-sized domestic dog. While they could make a great Canadian pet, they do demand a ton of attending, plus some specialty items to adapt their needs. They require a puddle for swimming, and non-toxic grass. If you have trivial ones, you may desire to wait earlier adding this exotic animal to the family, as they tin can also get aggressive, and have precipitous teeth.

3. Mini donkey

  • Average Lifespan: 28 to 32 years
  • Boilerplate Height/Weight: 91 cm, 200 to 450 lb.
  • All-time Aspect: Affectionate
  • Biggest Downside: Stubborn

If you live out in the land, or take a nice large backyard, consider adding a mini donkey to your family. These animals demand an open field for grazing and exercising, equally well as a salt lick and hay for maintenance. Information technology'due south also important to note that they tin can live for about  25-35 years, so deciding on this animal as a pet can truly exist a lifelong commitment.

4. Sugar glider

  • Average Lifespan: eight to 10 years
  • Boilerplate Height/Weight: 24 to xxx cm, 0.25 to 0.3 lb
  • Best Aspect: Playful
  • Biggest Downside:Need a lot of attending

They look only as sweet as they sound! Part of the marsupial family (along with koala bears and kangaroos), they get their "saccharide glider" proper name thanks to a membrane they have that allows them to stretch from their wrists to ankles, which substantially has them gliding in the air. They're pretty smart too, and tin be trained much similar a dog, remembering their proper noun and performing tricks and such.

All the same, in that location is a catch with sugar gliders – they are colony animals – meaning, if you adopt one, you'll have to adopt at least 2 more, as they prefer to live with other sugar gliders. Failing to do so can crusade the animate being to go depressed.

5. Fennec fox

  • Average Lifespan: 10 to 13 years
  • Boilerplate Peak/Weight: 20 cm, 1.5 to three.v lb
  • Best Attribute: Tin acquire to use litter box
  • Biggest Downside: Barking

Difficult to think of a fox every bit a pet, where in many areas of Canada, pet owners struggle to protect their cats and dogs from this creature; however, the truth is, they can be adequately friendly, with the free energy of dog, and can be trained to use the litter box like a true cat.

While they practise spend a lot of time sleeping, owning this exotic pet tin keep you busy between their feeding, playtime, and socialization. They likewise tend to bark quite a chip, so if you have neighbours who aren't fans of loud animals noises, perhaps the fennec fox isn't for you.

six. Hedgehog

  • Boilerplate Lifespan: 3 to 6 years
  • Average Tiptop/Weight: eight to 12 cm long, i to 3 lb
  • Best Attribute: Low maintenance
  • Biggest Downside: Tough to hold

If yous are looking for an alternative to a hamster or republic of guinea pig, a hedgehog may be the right exotic pet for yous. They don't require also much time on maintenance, just regular feedings and cage cleaning, and spend most of the twenty-four hour period sleeping every bit they are nocturnal. While their outer pare is prickly, these animals are cute as heck, and a piffling shy too – then it'll have fourth dimension for them to warm up to you and their surroundings.

seven. Hyacinth macaw

  • Average Lifespan: 50 to 60+ years
  • Average Tiptop/Weight: 100 cm, three to four lb
  • Best Aspect: Can learn words and phrases
  • Biggest Downside: Noisy

If you lot are more than inclined to a feathered friend, the hyacinth macaw is function of the parrot family unit, and can be a very sweet and smart pet. With that said, they are on the endangered species list, and can cost a pretty penny with a price tag of over $x,000 for each bird. They can also get aggressive and loud if not socialized properly, or given ample room to fly around and do.

8. Muntjac deer

  • Boilerplate Lifespan: 10 to 14 years
  • Average Height/Weight: 45 to 52 cm, xx to 25 lb
  • Best Aspect: Affectionate and dearest to play
  • Biggest Downside: Bark/scream

Hailing from Southeast Asia, the leaf muntjac is the smallest deer of the brood and can grow up to an boilerplate acme of twenty inches, weighing a mere 10-20 pounds. They can be trained to respond to their own names, apply a litter box (but like a true cat), and can live both outdoors or indoors; yet, those who own a muntjac deer must ensure to gear up up a safe fence effectually their home.

9. Pygmy caprine animal

  • Average Lifespan: 10 to 12 years
  • Average Height/Weight: forty to 60cm, 75 lbs.
  • Best Attribute: Friendly
  • Biggest Downside: Noisy

If you are looking for a high-energy pet, a pygmy goat may be a good option. They have a certain liveliness to them, and spend much of their day simply prancing effectually. In fact, they make great pets as they are like shooting fish in a barrel to handle, friendly, and very social. They are fine to roam in an boilerplate-heighted backyard, but tend to get a little noisy at times, so this could cause an consequence with neighbours.

10. Serval

  • Average Lifespan: 20 years
  • Average Height/Weight: 54 to 62 cm, 18 to 40 lb.
  • Best Aspect: High energy, playful
  • Biggest Downside: Difficult to contain

Servals are part of the Savannah cat family unit and share a similar fur pattern to cheetahs. They can become up to xl pounds when they mature, and tend to be more active at nighttime, and sleepy during the day. With that said, these animals are immune in nearly Canadian provinces, only restricted by generations. A fine example of this is that Alberta merely allows F4 generations or lower (i.due east. F5, F6, etc.) of the serval within the province.

Are you gear up to get an exotic pet?

Afterward "is it legal?", ask yourself these questions:

  • Is it prophylactic for myself and others effectually me?
  • Is it compatible with other pets? Humans?
  • Practice I take time for its routine requirements (feeding, walking, bathing, playing, etc.)?
  • Exercise I have access to suitable veterinarian intendance?
  • Can I afford to feed, shelter and pay for its vet bills?
  • Can I shelter it safely with plenty space?
  • Will the odor/racket/sight of it carp me or my neighbours?

Exotic Pets and Canadian Law

Beneath is an overview of how each province and territory regulates exotic animals, if any needed applications/registrations/permits are needed, and whether or not they are overseen at either the provincial or municipal level. It's important to note that regardless of what province someone resides in, a Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild animals and Flora (CITES) let might be needed.


This province has some thorough regulations around exotic pet ownership, and in most cases, a permit is required for most of these types of animals. While no certain species are prohibited, the province does have specific rules around specific animals, and there may also be municipal guidelines that are in affect when it comes to your pet. Information technology is brash that before you fully make up one's mind to take on an exotic pet, contact the Fish and Wildlife Office in your area to decide if a permit is needed, and the steps around this process.

British Columbia

In BC, exotic animals are referred to as "controlled conflicting species", and the province compiled a list of over 1,000 of these animals in 2009 in an effort to regulate these species due to the potential threat they pose to belongings, wildlife and wildlife habitat, as well every bit people.

In some instances, individuals that live in BC may be allowed to possess controlled alien species, and in these cases, possession permits need to be practical for. There are more than than 22 municipal governments in the province that have their own bylaws when information technology comes to these regulations around these types of animals, and these may exist more restrictive than what the province has laid out.


Manitoba has a makeshift of province-wide laws when information technology comes to exotic pet ownership, with the Association of Manitoba Municipalities recently creating guidelines around possession. Those in this province should reach out to municipalities when it comes to what kind of animals are prohibited, and what permit requirements are needed. Individuals can likewise call or email Manitoba'southward Sustainable Development department for further direction.

New Brunswick

Exotic pets require a let, unless listed under Schedule A of the province's Fish and Wildlife Human activity, which exempts just over forty species. For more information, or if you accept specific questions, contact New Brunswick's Surround and Local Government department.

 Newfoundland and Labrador

The province offers an insight on all species that can enter without a permit via the Wildlife Act of Newfoundland. Information technology's important to note that all others require a permit, and it is the responsibility of the pet owner to exercise and so. The province has also provided a clear outline around exotic pet ownership via a recent brochure.

Northwest Territories

No specific species are banned from inbound this territory; however, permits are needed, besides as a health certificate from a veterinary stating that the animal is free from illness and in good health. One time the application is submitted, an individual must wait on approving from the Deputy Minister for a decision.

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia offers a nice outline effectually animals that are prohibited in the province, and those not on this listing simply require a allow.


This Canadian territory has a lax view on exotic pets, with no specific laws around buying. Their Wildlife Human action deals by and large with native species that reside in the region.


Surprisingly, Ontario is currently the only province in Canada that lacks formal province-wide legislation as it relates to exotic animate being buying. The power effectually this was given to municipalities via the 2003 Ontario Municipal Act, therefore, exotic animal bylaws are not standardized, and can vary between cities and townships across the province. Ensure to check with local municipalities to ostend requirements and review fauna by-laws in your expanse.

Prince Edward Island

PEI has a comprehensive list of animals that are prohibited, and permits are not simply required for buying, but for selling or importing specific species also. If your exotic pet escapes, owners are besides responsible for recapturing them, besides as any costs linked with all this.


Quebec is one of the few provinces that offers extensive specifics around which exotic animals don't (and exercise) require permits for ownership.


Much similar Quebec, Saskatchewan offers an outline of specific animals that do require permits for ownership in the province, and those that do not. While there aren't animals that are outright banned from Saskatchewan, the government has not been issuing out permits for sure species for some time now. Information technology's as well important to note, that municipal governments in the province besides take bylaws when information technology comes to exotic pets, around control and regulation.


Yukon's Wildlife Act currently has a ban on all animals that are "not indigenous to the Yukon and that in its natural habitat is usually found wild in nature". Therefore, if you lot reside in this area of Canada, there'due south no leeway when it comes to exotic pet ownership in this region.

Local and municipal bylaws

If your province doesn't have whatsoever rules against keeping the fauna you're considering equally a pet, that doesn't necessarily mean you're in the clear. Keeping subcontract and exotic animals within city limits is confronting the law in many municipalities, then check your local bylaws before proceeding.

What to read adjacent

  • 23 Animals Yous Will Discover in Canada
  • 10 Nigh Dangerous Animals in Canada


  • fauna-every bit-pets.aspx

Over to you

We're interested to know – which ane of these animals would you want most as a pet? Did nosotros miss whatsoever that are allowed in Canada? Let us know by leaving a comment below!


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