
Which Dissolved Gases Are Most Needed By Plants And Animals Living In The Ocean?


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Sailing the Ocean Bluish (Tabat-2014)

Question Reply
What type of sea h2o contain more dissolved oxygen? Cold ocean h2o in polar regions
How do mussels arrange to changing tides near the shore? They adapt by tightly closing their shells when the tide goes out
What is sonar? A technique that uses sound waves to measure the depth of the ocean
What dissolved gas is added to ocean h2o equally a result of photosynthesis? Oxygen
Why are marine ecosystems and then unique? Marine ecosystems rely on many dissimilar abiotic and biotic factors like dissolved gases and phytoplankton for survival
What is an estuary? The broad, lower grade of a river where fresh and salt water mix
Why do plant plankton not grow in the deep ocean? Because sunlight doesn't attain the deep ocean
How can species on the bottom of the ocean go free energy to live without sunlight? Hydrothermal vents produce energy through chemical reactions
What type of water is found in estuaries? Stagnant water
How does beacon technology assist coastlines worldwide? It detects tsunami intensity, allowing for early evacuation of coastlines
What would happen to the ocean floor food spider web if plankton were non available? All organisms that live in the ocean would not survive
What is the most arable form of ocean life? Microbes
What causes an increase in organic affair ordinarily filtered by oysters in an estuary? Over harvesting of oysters
Where can the richest deposits of oil and natural gas be located? Continental shelves
What are the winds pushing water away from shore forth the South American coastline? Upwelling
What causes density currents? Differences in salinity and temperature
What causes upwelling? When wind causes surface water to move away from shore
How is the ocean the most various ecosystem? It receives nutrients from land carried by rivers and upwelling
How did the invention of the Aqua Lung alter scuba diving and marine exploration? Divers could spend more continuous fourth dimension underwater
What part of the ocean is the warmer and dissolved carbon dioxide is released back into the atmosphere? At the surface
What invention allowed people to meliorate perform research at ocean depths greater than 100 feet? Submersibles
What is about effective in monitoring large areas of the ocean flooring? Satellites
What dissolved gases are almost needed by plants and animals living in the ocean? Oxygen and carbon dioxide
What is algal growth? The largest source of dissolved oxygen in the ocean
Why is an estuary a good "plant nursery" surface area for marine organisms? Information technology had many areas to hide from predators
Why is productivity greatest near the ocean's surface? Sunlight penetrates the superlative layers of the ocean, so photosynthesis occurs at that place
How would you draw the types of organisms found in estuaries? They can tolerate both freshwater and salt water
What happens to nutrients in the bounding main as a issue of upwelling? Upwelling carries nutrients to the surface of the ocean
Why is most of the oxygen in Earth's temper produced in the pinnacle 6 inches of the oceans? Oxygen is produced past photosynthesis microorganisms that live near the surface of the ocean
How would you describe the h2o distribution in an estuary? Freshwater is closer to the surface than the saltwater
What is an estuary? A food rich salt marsh and mangrove Wood of the Florida Everglades
What would be the impact on the surroundings if there were no estuaries? There would be more pollutants in the oceans
If a certain fish became the most popular fish used for sushi in Nippon, how would this bear on that species of fish? Their numbers would decrease
What must organisms living in an intertidal zone be able to tolerate in order to survive? Changes in both temperature and salinity
What natural characteristic protects inland bodies of h2o from contamination by table salt h2o? Estuary
Why must inhabitants of an estuary adapt to frequent environmental changes? The salinity of the water is constantly changing

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