
What we want to see from Apex Legends Season Pass

Apex Legends topped 50 1000000 unique players in its first month which is, frankly, insane. That beingness said, the game is a lot of fun to play, and some of us hither are a little obsessed with colina slides, portal jumps, and zip lines, maybe more than nosotros should be.

The first Season Pass is said to be released old this calendar month and, unfortunately, we know zippo about it at all. Respawn did, sort of, hide the game from the whole world though, so information technology stands to reason that they would be chary about this, their showtime real expansion.

We are going to have this opportunity to talk about what nosotros would similar to run into happen in the flavour laissez passer, and what we don't want to encounter.

What we want to run into

The first thing we want to come across is some new characters. This seems obvious, simply information technology is the about likely affair to come this Flavor and volition make the biggest difference. Information technology doesn't need to be lots of characters, 1 or two perchance, only they will need to be balanced. I recall the base roster is balanced extremely well, and then I'm not worried that Respawn will drop the ball on that

A nice add-on to the game would be a new class of weapon. Not just new guns, though that is always welcome, instead, a new way of weapon altogether. Maybe traps, or a melee weapon, something to spice up the gameplay a little. Give usa a chance to change the tactics that people are already starting to entrench into their gameplay.

The last wish from me, and several Twitch players I watch, may be a niggling overpowered, but boy, would it be fun. If we could dual-wield pistols and pistol shotguns the game would go crazy in the best way. Dual-wielding Mozambique's weapon as Wraith would be the greatest thing always. EVER.

What we don't want to see

I do not want a new map. I know in that location are people already asking for one, and I understand the need for diverseness, but Battle Royale games work best on a giant map yous tin can spend a lot of time in. The game has only been out for a little while, and there is yet a lot more than to explore in King's Canyon.

The other no-go for me is a load of new skins. We have and then many skins already, and I'm pretty sure no i has managed to get them all for fifty-fifty one graphic symbol, let alone all the Legends and all the guns in the game. We take plenty of skins, thanks Respawn. Allow's concentrate on gameplay, not cosmetics.

What practice yous want to encounter?

Now you can speculate! What would you similar to see in the Season Pass? Are we way off base with what nosotros want to meet, or practice you think we striking we're on target? Let us know in the comments.

The main game

Apex Legends

The latest gratis-to-play Battle Royale game

Noon Legends is the latest in the Battle Royale craze using a gratuitous-to-play model. With splendid squad-based gameplay, fast activeness, bully-looking visuals, and now over 50 meg players, Apex Legends is fast becoming a Boxing Royale game to beat.

Hard cash

Noon Coins

Microtransactions are king

Noon Coins are the currency of choice in Apex Legends, and they let you to buy the corrective extras in the game, every bit well as Apex packs and the new characters that we recollect nosotros be in the Flavour Pass.

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